Saturday, December 26, 2009


Welcome to my blog. Most of you who are reading this will already know who I am, but for anyone who's stumbled across this blog on some sort of boredom-fueled web-crawl, I'm Shawn Carpenter, one of the designers at Ambush Alley Games (or AAG as we call it, mostly to tick of my brother and fellow designer who has an unreasoning hatred for acronyms).

You might be thinking, "Hold on a second! AAG already has a web site and forum ( and, respectively)! Why would I possibly want to read a blog, too!?"

Well, my plan here is to post infrequent blog entries where I talk about things that interest me as a game designer, speculate about gaming trends, and generally pontificate in a more personal manner. Sure, there will be talk about AAG and our products and possibly even some teasers for stuff that's in the works, but that won't be the main thrust of this blog. In fact, there may not even be a main thrust for this blog!

So, in a nutshell, I guess this is just my own little vanity blog where I'll talk about game related stuff that I want to talk about - and sometimes the relationship between the topics and gaming might be a little tenuous, so you'll have to bear with me. I'll try to make it worth your while.